What is satisfiability?
Or How Much is ever Enough?
This year, I am having fun taking part in my first ever Advent of Code! Day 17 threw me for a loop and forced me to learn a new technique so that deserves a quick write-up. As with other days, it’s a two part challenge which starts easy. The first challenge involves a bytecode interpreter and you know how much I like those! My input is equivalent to the following python code:
from collections.abc import Iterable
def device(a: int) -> Iterable[int]:
while a:
b = a & 7 # bst A
b ^= 6 # bxl B
c = a >> b # cdv B
b ^= c # bxc
b ^= 4 # bxl 4
yield b & 7 # out B
a >>= 3 # adv 3
continue # jnz 0
print(*device(66171486), sep=",")
So far so good. Part 2 gets hairy and involves searching for the smallest argument a
turns the device into a quine. Simplifiying
the program as shown below highlights the fact that device
yields one value per octal digit
of a
. So we’re looking for an a
with 16 octal digits. There are \(2^{48}\) of those!
This reminds us of the wheat and chessboard problem
and we quickly realize that a
brute-force search will run into
heat death of the universe issues
(although not quite as quickly as I would like to admit).
def device(b: int) -> Iterable[int]:
while a := b:
b, c = divmod(a, 8)
yield (a >> (c ^ 6) ^ c ^ 2) & 7
I could vaguely remember reading something about SAT solvers and Bit Twiddling Hacks. The combined search took me to this page and the following Z3-based solution:
from z3 import BitVec, solve
a = BitVec("A", 51)
constraints = []
for out in [2, 4, 1, 6, 7, 5, 4, 6, 1, 4, 5, 5, 0, 3, 3, 0]:
b = a & 7
b ^= 6
c = a >> b
b ^= c
b ^= 4
constraints.append(b & 7 == out)
a >>= 3
constraints.append(a == 0)
Z3 solves this problem so fast, its runtime is barely noticeable. That’s impressive on several levels:
pip install z3-solver
just worked™- the API is n00b-friendly
- solution is accepted by AoC
In my defense, I had worked with algebraic modeling languages before but Z3 remains an impressive bit of tech.
Still, I couldn’t help but feel that I brought a gun to a knife fight. (Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely took the AoC credit but I didn’t love the black box solution). So I stared at the short implementation for a while longer and found an alternative solution:
a = {0}
for out in reversed([2, 4, 1, 6, 7, 5, 4, 6, 1, 4, 5, 5, 0, 3, 3, 0]):
a = {
d for b in a for c in range(8)
if ((d := (b << 3) | c) >> (c ^ 6) ^ c ^ 2) & 7 == out
Ultimately, this amounts to backward induction
which is likely one of the many strategies that Z3
implements. Unlike the brute-force approach,
this implementation prunes aggressively which
keeps its complexity manageable.