I like Zig because it encourages me to pay attention to details when I use it. I have recently come up with an interesting pattern in two separate use cases. I think it warrants a quick blog post. The pattern is a curious mix of abstraction levels. On the one hand, it’s high-level because it prefers Zig’s std.ArrayList over the lower level std.mem.Allocator. On the other, it’s low-level because it works best when you take memory alignment into account. The TL;DR version is that I use std.ArrayList as a special-purpose std.heap.ArenaAllocator. This opens a memory saving opportunity by converting pointers to indices.

Flattening ASTs

The first use case happened by of a confluence of 3 events:

Although I didn’t realize it at the time, one sentence in Adrian’s post summarizes the idea: “Arenas or regions mean many different things to different people, so I’m going to call the specific flavor I’m interested in here data structure flattening.” My initial motivation was that I didn’t like how a seemingly simple Node data structure required such a complex .destroy method:

const Node = struct {
    token: Token,
    args: []const *const Node,

    pub fn destroy(self: *Node, allocator: Allocator) void {
        for (self.args) |arg| arg.destroy(allocator);

Cloudef suggested an arena but I was reluctant because I feared it would create too much coupling between a type and the allocator that creates its instances. Teralux also warned that “[f]reeing graphs is generally a slow operation.” Furthermore, echoes of Andrew’s “Data Oriented Design” talk were still brewing in my left hippocampus. I put them all together into

pub const Node = packed union {
    head: packed struct(u32) { token: u24, count: u8 },
    node: u32,

This definition replaces a copy of each token by an index into []const Token (weighing in at a mere 3 bytes intead of 24). It also broke up []const *const Node into a 1-byte count squeezed with the token followed by indices into []const Node. The memory footprint of the old Node was 10 + 8n bytes where n = node.args.len:

  • .token.tag: 8 bytes
  • .token.src.ptr: 8 bytes
  • .token.src.len: 8 bytes
  • .args.ptr: 8 bytes
  • .args.len: 8 bytes
  • each additional arg: *const Node: 8 bytes

The new Node, by contrast, only occupies 4 bytes. That’s a 2½-fold size reduction for a node with zero arguments and 2⅙-fold for a binary node! Of course, the main attraction is that nodes can be freed using either nodes.deinit() if you’re still holding a reference to the std.ArrayList or allocator.free(nodes) if you have invoked .toOwnedSlice() instead.

Hybrid bump allocator

The second use case for this idea goes back to my first Zig project: I initially failed to grok ArrayList. This first project was translating a C implementation of FORTH (which in turn was translating an x86 implementation). As a consequence, focus was more on how than why. Re-reading my discord question, I realize now that I lacked the vocabulary to precisely articulate what I was trying to achieve. The original x86 was using brk(2) and raw pointers to implement a bump allocator which supports individual bytes (for C! and @), words (for C! and C@), and code addresses (for ,). I didn’t make the effort to understand std.ArrayList to see which parts lent themselves to my purpose. The trick turned out to be

fn InterpAligned(comptime alignment: u29) type {
    return struct {
        state: isize,
        latest: *Word,
        s0: [*]const isize,
        base: isize,
        r0: [*]const [*]const Instr,
        buffer: [32]u8,
        memory: std.ArrayListAligned(u8, alignment),  // ⇐ here
        here: [*]u8,


const Interp = InterpAligned(@alignOf(Instr));

(Had to make it a generic to avoid the dreaded struct Instr depends on itself). Interp.memory.items are a slice of bytes for maximum flexibility but they’re Instr-aligned which obviates the manual alignment math in CREATE.

Artificial constraints

Mitchell Hashimoto said something on Changelog which resonated with me: embrace constraints when programming. Programmers often have a tendency to go for the most generic solution. This leads to unnecessary complexity and anti-patterns like softcoding or Greenspun’s tenth rule. In this case, the constraint was making sure that consecutive memory allocations remain contiguous to facilitate FORTH’s poor man’s reflection. After a few detours, the constraint took me to a reasonably useful idea. Meanwhile, my code remained legible and efficient in the process.